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TriTurtle Bio
"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
Crossfit is a highly effective method for building all around base fitness during the Triathlon Off Season. Silverdale owners John and Carine Bray do a great job of supporting ALL athletic levels (or lack thereof;) AND, they do a very thorough job of educating participants about how to perform the various activities with the safest, most effective technique possible. They have created a fun, welcoming atmosphere that is as "pink" as humanly possible.

Hi this is Jeannie Bell. I had the privilege to sample out and sell some hydration products at the Saturday morning group trainings. I am also a Tri-Babe. These products are great for any one working out who wants to stay energized, hydrated, and healthy while on the go. They are as "super food" :) If you are interested in ordering any products, here is my web site www.teambell.wwdb.biz. There are videos that can educate you on the products and how they work. I will be donating some of the purchases to Pink Purse Power.

Heart Zones Training
Use this link to purchase heart rate monitors, training information, and apparel from Sally Edwards!!!

For year long Circuit training that increases metabolism and promotes muscle development and weight loss, please visit: www.bootcampdiva.com. Carmel says, "train with us, look like a triathlete all year!"

For anyone who feels that their relationship with food is "out of control." Please visit www.foodaddicts.org

For an indulgent Thai Massage that will serve all your Pink Pampering needs, please email: cynthia@expansionsyoga.com

TriBabe Necklace
Some of you have seen the necklace Windy made for Lisa. If you're intrested in having one custom made, send an email to Windy.

Active Triathlete Newsletter
Great tips for Triathletes.

Dr. Sean Joseph of INTEGRATED CHIROPRACTIC has been inspiring patients to health as a Chiropractic Physician for more than 8 years. He specializes in treating patients with musculoskeletal and neurological pain and is also a local provider of Ideal Protein, a medically-designed weight loss program that promotes fat loss while sparing muscle mass. He is the only Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner west of the Sound.

Sweet Spot Skirts

Hello, I am fellow Tri Babe Donna Coombs. You may have seen the bright pink "Tri Babe stuff" tote that Lisa uses. It is a Thirty-one tote and if you are interested in that or any of our other products, please visit my website: www.mythirtyone.com/31DonnaC or you can email me at donnacoombs@attglobal.net, I would be happy to answer any questions!

Kitsap TriBabes
Important Dates:

Sep 8th
- TTT Race Packet Pick up

Sep 9th - Tri Turtle Tri

Sep 10th... - Bask in the glory. You deserve it!